(about Sketch-a-Filt): "We love this tool...Thanks so much for your amazing product ! " ,Sonic Arts, University of California: San Diego
"I downloaded and installed DSP_Speedster with no problems. I have been browsing through the examples and some of the blocks. It's great stuff you have done, and I am finding your software package quite useful.
I'm building a time of flight anemometer/weather station. This is 2 Channel N-S & E-W using a STM32F7. I'm creating a 40 KHz chirp using a timer which sweeps from 37K to 43 K. I am limited in bandwidth, because the piezo ultrasonic xducers have a sharp resonance at 40 k. I am getting two channels at 33 Hz update rate using a 512 bin matched filter. I am only using fixed coefficients as the SNR is excellent. My fs for the principle signal path is 500 kHz. I needed this because the transducers are only about 450 mm apart or about 1.2 ms transit time with no wind.
The thing is working well and I'm about to stick it up on the roof. My major problem at the moment isn't the DSP it is the Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, which are indigenous to our area and love nipping through the coax cable I use for the transducers. I've had to buy some stainless flexible armor to keep them at bay. They are a formidable bird with extremely large and powerful bills. Not a bird to be taken for granted."
Rob Garnett
Toongabbie, Australia
"I recently undertook a Master’s Degree course in Embedded Systems, which featured an individual project. My project involved Digital Audio Processing on a powerful microcontroller that - all on its own - is capable of handling all processing and required input/output interfaces. The core processor has a library of digital filters aimed at modifying audio signals according to a set of control parameters, in order to improve signal quality or to make selected signals more distinctive.
The algorithmic details of each digital filter were defined in MATLAB but crafted by the DSP Creations Suite of tools. DSP_Speedster allowed me to develop a filter by building up a network of components, checking the signal at any node I wanted to examine, by placing signal analysers of all sorts as well as by listening to the resulting effect - all at the same time!
Whenever I was not entirely happy with the performance of the filter I knew I could always turn
to Slifer, where I could fine-tune the desired outcome to perfection. When I wanted to get really creative, I switched to Sketch-a-Filt, where I literally drew the filter transfer function I wished to design. I could (and still do!) do all the amazing things described (and even crazier things too!) without writing a single line of code. Everything is done graphically and it is so simple and quick to modify a design that I never need to waste time wondering "What might have happened if ...?" Instead, I simply try new ideas right away.
Thanks to the DSP Creations Suite I was able to minimise the time dedicated to the prototyping stage of my MSc work, and I progressed at a good pace to successful completion of the project."
Daniele Bilancione
University of Westminster MSc Graduate, London
"I had several large FIR filters that I wanted to convert to smaller IIR filters. I found the BranHauen feature in Sketch-a-Filt to be a powerful way to do this conversion. Sketch-a-Filt is very useful and easy to learn."
Dr. Ing Igor Nembrini
Pavia, Italy
"I have been using MATLAB/SIMULINK over many years to develop programs for teaching communications and signal processing. But what DSP Creations have now done (with Slifer, Sketch-a-Filt and DSP_Speedster) is to free up my time from writing endless code – and doing it badly! In addition, I could never have hoped to develop (on my own) a package of such sophistication and breadth that I can use it effortlessly during u/g and p/g lectures to demonstrate both the fundamentals and advanced topics of signal processing and communications.
And along with the excellent twenty introductory videos this package can just be given directly to university students, who can then be told to "get on with it" – and they do! It stimulates their interest, backs up the theory from lectures and lets them experiment with 'what if ?' questions.
For example, there is really nothing on the market to compare with the sixty demos in DSP_Speedster to get students excited about signal processing and communications. And although clear and simple to implement they are also rigorous and precise in their use of theory and application. I have never seen better.
However, be warned – there is a downside for lecturing staff. The whole suite of programs is so sophisticated, easy to use and unfortunately, addictive, that you'll now be spending all that precious time you've freed up just running through the myriad of possibilities and saying: 'Wow – I didn't realize that!!"
Dr. Des McLernon
Reader in Signal Processing
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
The University of Leeds
"I had a really enjoyable tour through FIR filter design, analysis and especially the visualization of this process, which is extremely user-friendly.
It is really a pleasure to design a filter with Slifer and Sketch-a-Filt. The latter includes impressive graphical abilities which can be very useful in design projects, MSc modules on DSP as well as for some research problems. It was quite interesting to go through the design exercises you have provided."
Prof. Plamen Angelov
Professor of Intelligent Systems
Lancaster University
"It did not take me long after taking delivery of Sketch-a-Filt and Slifer to become familiar with these packages: a few hours only. They really are easy to use, and I can see that they will very easily adopted by students who have had only a minimal exposure to MATLAB.
Both Sketch-a-Filt and Slifer have been cleverly designed to promote filter design as a highly interactive and rapidly creative process: designers get the designs they want in satisfyingly brief design sessions.
In Sketch-a-Filt an initial filter response can be sketched by hand, then the filter designed by invoking one or several of filter design procedures, such as Frequency-Sampling, Remez, Least-Squares and others. Particularly impressive is the Brandenstein-Unbehauen design (new to me) which can be used to economise a satisfactory FIR design by substituting a nearly equivalent simpler (sometimes much simpler) IIR design.
Slifer can be used to fine-tune filters designed using Sketch-a-Filt, or directly by first defining stylised specifications. There is a vast repertoire of hand-crafting operations available to the designer: pushing and pulling coefficients in the time domain, with or without constraints on symmetry and or complexity; locking or unlocking points in the frequency domain to a uniform or nonuniform grid; pushing poles and zeros around - whilst keeping an eye on the distribution of errors in the frequency domain, and monitoring the limits of passband and stopand ripples, by viewing the very useful Quality Measure facilty.
There is everything here to allow a novice designer to become rapidly familiar with the principles of filter design, and in the hands of a more expert designer these tools will substantially reduce the amount of time spent designing filters using more pedestrian tools.
I expect to make great use of these softwares, in the classroom, the tutorial and the laboratory - for both undergraduate and postgraduate students - to present digital filter design as a hands-on learning experience. There are already a large number of useful design exercises available for familiarisation, and it is easy to develop other exercises appropriate to the level at which the subject is being taught."
Kenneth V Lever
Adjunct Professor
University of South Australia
"I needed a complex baseband equivalent design to approximate an anti-aliasing filter and was simply not able to achieve it using other software on the market, despite interacting repeatedly with a leading company's technical support personnel for almost three months. DSP Creations delivered two alternative successful designs to me in a few hours using Slifer and Sketch-a-Filt. Your software is the best available tool that I know of for design of complex baseband equivalent filters."
Dr. Phillip Feldman
"This course is an excellent introduction on the foundations and scope of optimal filtering."
Sean Anderson
U.S. Aerospace Industry Participant
"Digital Random Signal Analysis and Adaptive Filtering"
"Great class! I could not get this information anywhere else. I looked for many years. All other similar courses were inferior compared to the way this course was taught. My professors at another University would just put equations on the blackboard and read them (and proofs) because they were not experts in the required fields. In contrast, Dr. Cain presented his tutorials in a way that was enlightening and inspiring! The course is very valuable to both students and to the employer. I cannot iterate enough that the course's content will inspire, educate, and greatly enlighten any serious student."
Christopher Lusardi
U.S. Aerospace Industry Participant
"Digital Random Signal Analysis and Adaptive Filtering" and "Digital Matched Filters"