DSP_Speedster allows you to very rapidly assemble signal processing blocks into simulation models which execute DSP algorithms. Often no code whatsoever needs to be written; you simply drag, drop, and connect blocks that perform signal generation, waveform display, filtering, and measurement functions.
A host of excellent meters and instruments is available for use in your simulation models, faciltating a variety of time-domain, frequency-domain, statistical and correlation depictions of dynamic system operation.There are superb facilities for showcasing time-varying and adaptive filters.
Some 500 specialist blocks are provided to promote intuitive configuration of instrumentation, audio and communication systems. Over six dozen on-board demonstration example models enable you to immediately exercise the facilities of the labkit and learn how you can quickly construct and run your own models.
Currently DSP_Speedster Is Not Available For Standalone PurchaseThis MATLAB-based tool furnishes a potent, intuitive pathway to rapid design of non-traditional, demanding FIR target filters.This package enables you to point and click your way to designs which meet those tough specifications which seem to elude the standard textbook approaches.
Slifer is geared up for an expanded style of Frequency-Sampling filter design which permits point gain constraints to be easily deposited graphically. Unlike with traditional equispaced Frequency-Sampling, however, the User can place constraints at arbitrary frequency locations, making it easy to "hand-craft" gain shapes that can defeat inconvenient specification template restrictions.
Complex-coefficient filters are readily accommodated, providing a much-needed capability for modern baseband equivalent modelling and processing. Filter coefficients can be quantized concurrently with the design shaping operation, thereby avoiding the need for a disconnected follow-up quantization/degradation evaluation design stage. Precise measurement of filter quality permits comprehensive documentation of gain ripple and transition band edges for exploration of design tradeoffs.
Currently Slifer Is Not Available For Standalone PurchaseSketch-A-Filt is a MATLAB-based conceptualization tool which allows digital filter design to be done with unparalleled ease. This package enables you to merely make a rough sketch of the desired gain curve through the use of your PC mouse/trackpad. Thoroughly unconventional shapes, departing from the limited standard textbook flat-topped targets, are instantly designed and their coefficients are displayed and available, even as you sketch and make gain-shape modifications.
Real-coefficient and complex-coefficient IIR and FIR filters are readily selectable from the 6 "top-level" algorithms requiring only a single pushbutton click. Minimum-phase and maximum-phase conditions for any filter can be imposed with pushbutton ease. Multiple overlaid plots of gain, impulse response and Pole-Zero Patterns furnish a powerful graphical basis for design comparisons.
A further three dozen design algorithms are available at "second-level", requiring two User clicks. These algorithms are housed in the UserDef section of the tool, and permit design of special filters such as inverse, matched, root-Nyquist, notch and allpass filters. Resonators, gain compensators and group delay equalizers are also available, alongside classic flat-topped designs such as elliptic filters. The User can personalize Sketch-A-Filt by lodging experimental or legacy m-code in UserDef to extend the range of capablities available.
Currently Sketch-a-Filt Is Not Available For Standalone Purchase